InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world.

Change the university, change the world

For over 75 years InterVarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, engaging in discipleship around scripture, and loving people of every ethnicity and culture. With 1,015 chapters on 687 campuses, InterVarsity is working to reach into every corner of every campus by 2030. We are part of that vision at MSOE!

Our InterVarsity chapter seeks to minister to students and faculty through small group Bible studies (Witnessing Communities), large group gatherings (Fusion), leadership training, thoughtful discipleship, fun community-building events, and life-changing mission trips.

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Our chapter exists to serve MSOE

We welcome students into caring, diverse communities where they can build friendships and explore Christian faith in the marketplace of ideas.

students and faculty transformed

What We Believe

We Believe

The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things,
existing eternally in three persons
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit full of love and glory.

The unique divine inspiration,
entire trustworthiness
and authority of the Bible.

The value and dignity of all people:
created in God’s image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt,
and justly subject to God’s wrath.

Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine,
who lived as a perfect example,
who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place,
and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.

Justification by God’s grace to all who repent
and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit,
who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.

The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ,
manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches
making disciples throughout the world.

The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ,
who will judge all people with justice and mercy,
giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation
but receiving the redeemed into eternal life.

Leadership Team

2024-2025 Leadership Team

Student Leadership Team

Samuel Breeden (President), Tony Buechel (Fusion Coordinator),

Ian Czerkis (Prayer Coordinator), and Alex Neher (Outreach Coordinator)

InterVarsity Staff

Jaime Brunner